Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Diss N' That" makes a return

Morning, all:
After several years of hiatus, I'm going to start drawing my 'Diss N That' cartoon again for selected minority and alternative publications. It originally appeared in the Chicago Defender 4 years back when CNN's Roland Martin was editor. They were having some financial problems, so I pulled the cartoon. I've had some recent inquiries about it and its back, though I'm only going to draw 2 panels per week. The idea behind it is that readers write or email their best "Yo Mama" jokes (or "Snaps as we call them) and I illustrate the best ones and give the reader full credit for the caption. It's like reader/audience participation. I grew up lobbing "snaps" at unsuspecting victims on the school bus. Now if I can just find time to squeeze in 2 more cartoons to my already hectic toon schedule.

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